Tamil Dictionary 🔍


n. விருப்பம், ஆசை, ஆர்வ வேட்கை, வேண்டுதல் ஆர்வக் கோரிக்கை, அவாவிய பொருள், சிற்றின்பம், இச்சை, (வினை) விரும்பு, அவாவு, ஆசைப்படு, வேண்டுமென்று கட்டளையிடு.


#noun longing, affection, propension, craving, concupiscence,appetency


#noun loathing, hate, repugnance, disgust, aversion, abomination,horror

De*sire", v. t. [imp. & p. p. Desired; p. pr. & vb. n. Desiring.] Etym: [F. désirer, L. desiderare, origin uncertain, perh. fr. de- + sidus star, constellation, and hence orig., to turn the eyes from the stars. Cf. Consider, and Desiderate, and see Sidereal.] 1. To long for; to wish for earnestly; to covet. Neither shall any man desire thy land. Ex. xxxiv. 24. Ye desire your child to live. Tennyson. 2. To express a wish for; to entreat; to request. Then she said, Did I desire a son of my lord 2 Kings iv. 28. Desire him to go in; trouble him no more. Shak. 3. To require; to demand; to claim. [Obs.] A doleful case desires a doleful song. Spenser. 4. To miss; to regret. [Obs.] She shall be pleasant while she lives, and desired when she dies. Jer. Taylor. Syn. -- To long for; hanker after; covet; wish; ask; request; solicit; entreat; beg. -- To Desire, Wish. In desire the feeling is usually more eager than in wish. "I wish you to do this" is a milder form of command than "I desire you to do this," though the feeling prompting the injunction may be the usage C. J. Smith. De*sire", n. Etym: [F. désir, fr. désirer. See Desire, v. t.] 1. The natural longing that is excited by the enjoyment or the thought of any good, and impels to action or effort its continuance or possession; an eager wish to obtain or enjoy. Unspeakable desire to see and know. Milton. 2. An expressed wish; a request; petition. And slowly was my mother brought To yield consent to my desire. Tennyson. 3. Anything which is desired; an object of longing. The Desire of all nations shall come. Hag. ii. 7. 4. Excessive or morbid longing; lust; appetite. 5. Grief; regret. [Obs.] Chapman. Syn. -- Wish; appetency; craving; inclination; eagerness; aspiration; longing.

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