Tamil Dictionary 🔍


v. ங்கு, சார்ந்திரு, நம்பு, நம்பியிரு, முஸ்ற்சியை எதிர்பார்த்திரு, வருவாயை நம்பிவாழ், வருநிலைகளைப் பொறுத்ததாயிரு, தீர்வு எதிர்நோக்கிக் காத்திரு, (இலக்) தழுவுசொல் அவாவி நில்.

De*pend", v. i. [imp. & p. p. Depended; p. pr. & vb. n. Depending.] Etym: [F. dépendre, fr. L. depend; de- + pend to hang. See Pendant.] 1. To hang down; to be sustained by being fastened or attached to something above. And ever-living lamps depend in rows. Pope. 2. To hang in suspense; to be pending; to be undetermined or undecided; as, a cause depending in court. You will not think it unnatural that those who have an object depending, which strongly engages their hopes and fears, should be somewhat inclined to superstition. Burke. 3. To rely for support; to be conditioned or contingent; to be connected with anything, as a cause of existence, or as a necessary condition; -- followed by on or upon, formerly by of. The truth of God's word dependeth not of the truth of the congregation. Tyndale. The conclusion . . . that our happiness depends little on political institutions, and much on the temper and regulation of our own minds. Macaulay. Heaven forming each on other to depend. Pope. 4. To trust; to rest with confidence; to rely; to confide; to be certain; -- with on or upon; as, we depend on the word or assurance of our friends; we depend on the mail at the usual hour. But if you 're rough, and use him like a dog, Depend upon it -- he 'll remain incog. Addison. 5. To serve; to attend; to act as a dependent or retainer. [Obs.] Shak. 6. To impend. [Obs.] Shak.

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