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v. தெய்வமாக்கு, கடவுள் மங்கலஞ் செய்.

De"i*fy, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Deified; p. pr. & vb. n. Deifying.] Etym: [F. déifier, LL. deificare, fr. L. deificus. See Deific, Deity, -fy.] 1. To make a god of; to exalt to the rank of a deity; to enroll among the deities; to apotheosize; as, Julius Cæsar was deified. 2. To praise or revere as a deity; to treat as an object of supreme regard; as, to deify money. He did again to extol and deify the pope. Bacon. 3. To render godlike. By our own spirits are we deified. Wordsworth.

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