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n. காக்கையினப் பறவை வகை.

Daw, n. Etym: [OE. dawe; akin to OHG. taha, MHG. tahe, tahele, G. dohle. Cf. Caddow.] (Zoöl.) Defn: A European bird of the Crow family (Corvus monedula), often nesting in church towers and ruins; a jackdaw. The loud daw, his throat displaying, draw The whole assembly of his fellow daws. Waller. Note: The daw was reckoned as a silly bird, and a daw meant a simpleton. See in Shakespeare: -- "Then thou dwellest with daws too." (Coriolanus iv. 5, 1. 47.) Skeat. Daw, v. i. Etym: [OE. dawen. See Dawn.] Defn: To dawn. [Obs.] See Dawn. Daw, v. t. Etym: [Contr. fr. Adaw.] 1. To rouse. [Obs.] 2. To daunt; to terrify. [Obs.] B. Jonson.

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