Tamil Dictionary 🔍


n. சூளுரை, சபதம், தெறுமொழி, வஞ்சினம், சாபம், மிகச் சிறு அளவு, அளவும் சிறிய அளவு, (வினை) கண்டி, மீளாத்தண்டனைத் தீர்ப்பளி, நரகத்துக்கு உரியதாக்கு, தெறுமொழி கூறு, பழி, சாபமிடு.

Damn, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Damned; p. pr. & vb. n. Damning.] Etym: [OE. damnen dap), OF. damner, dampner, F. damner, fr. L. damnare, damnatum, to condemn, fr. damnum damage, a fine, penalty. Cf. Condemn, Damage.] 1. To condemn; to declare guilty; to doom; to adjudge to punishment; to sentence; to censhure. He shall not live; look, with a spot I damn him. Shak. 2. (Theol.) Defn: To doom to punishment in the future world; to consign to perdition; to curse. 3. To condemn as bad or displeasing, by open expression, as by denuciation, hissing, hooting, etc. You are not so arrant a critic as to damn them [the works of modern poets] . . . without hearing. Pope. Damn with faint praise, assent with civil leer, And without sneering teach the rest to sneer. Pope. Note: Damn is sometimes used interjectionally, imperatively, and intensively. Damn, v. i. Defn: To invoke damnation; to curse. "While I inwardly damn." Goldsmith.

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