Tamil Dictionary 🔍


n. மெத்தை, திண்டு, தலையணை, பஞ்சு திணித்த இருக்கை, வில் வைத்த இருக்கை, பஞ்சடை கைத்திண்டு, திண்டுறை, துள்ளல் பஞ்சுறை, செதுக்குவேலை அடித்திண்டு, மின்பொறியின் தொய்வகக் காப்பு, பெண்டிர் மயிர் ஒப்பனை வட்டு, பெண்டிர் பாவாடை புடைக்கட்டு, மேடைக்கோற்பந்தாட்ட மேசை உள்வரிக் கட்டு, வளைவு மையக்கட்டு, நீராவிப் பொறியில் உந்துகோலுக்கு அணையுறையாக விடப்படும் நீராவி எச்சம், அடிதாங்கும் தடையுறை, பன்றி முதலிய விலங்குகளின் பிட்டப்பக்கச் சதைப்பற்று, குதிரைக் கால்குளம்புச் சதை, மென்பஞ்சு போன்ற தின்பண்ட வகை, மிதிவண்டிச் சக்கரத்தின் புறவுறை, (வி.) பஞ்சுறை இணை, மெத்தைமீது அமர்த்து, திண்டுறைமீது வை, மெல்லணையாய் உதவு, மோதல் தடுத்துதவு.மெத்தியம், மெத்தை

Cush"ion (ksh"n), n. Etym: [OE. cuischun, quisshen, OF. coissin, cuissin, F. coussin, fr. (assumed) LL. culcitinum, dim. of L. culcita cushion, mattress, pillow. See Quilt, and cf. Counterpoint a coverlet.] 1. A case or bag stuffed with some soft and elastic material, and used to sit or recline upon; a soft pillow or pad. Two cushions stuffed with straw, the seat to raise. Dryden. 2. Anything resembling a cushion in properties or use; as: (a) a pad on which gilders cut gold leaf; (b) a mass of steam in the end of the cylinder of a steam engine to receive the impact of the piston; (c) the elastic edge of a billiard table. 3. A riotous kind of dance, formerly common at weddings; -- called also cushion dance. Halliwell. Cushion capital.(Arch.) A capital so sculptured as to appear like a cushion pressed down by the weight of its entablature. (b) A name given to a form of capital, much used in the Romanesque style, modeled like a bowl, the upper part of which is cut away on four sides, leaving vertical faces. -- Cushion star (Zoöl.) a pentagonal starfish belonging to Goniaster, Astrogonium, and other allied genera; -- so called from its form. Cush"ion (ksh"n), v. t. [imp. & p.p. Cushioned (-nd); p. pr. & vb. Cushioning.] 1. To seat or place on, or as on a cushion. Many who are cushioned on thrones would have remained in obscurity. Bolingbroke. 2. To furnish with cushions; as, to cushion a chaise. 3. To conceal or cover up, as under a cushion. Cushioned hammer, a dead-stroke hammer. See under Dead-stroke. Cush"ion (ksh"n), n. Etym: [OE. cuischun, quisshen, OF. coissin, cuissin, F. coussin, fr. (assumed) LL. culcitinum, dim. of L. culcita cushion, mattress, pillow. See Quilt, and cf. Counterpoint a coverlet.] 1. A case or bag stuffed with some soft and elastic material, and used to sit or recline upon; a soft pillow or pad. Two cushions stuffed with straw, the seat to raise. Dryden. 2. Anything resembling a cushion in properties or use; as: (a) a pad on which gilders cut gold leaf; (b) a mass of steam in the end of the cylinder of a steam engine to receive the impact of the piston; (c) the elastic edge of a billiard table. 3. A riotous kind of dance, formerly common at weddings; -- called also cushion dance. Halliwell. Cushion capital.(Arch.) A capital so sculptured as to appear like a cushion pressed down by the weight of its entablature. (b) A name given to a form of capital, much used in the Romanesque style, modeled like a bowl, the upper part of which is cut away on four sides, leaving vertical faces. -- Cushion star (Zoöl.) a pentagonal starfish belonging to Goniaster, Astrogonium, and other allied genera; -- so called from its form. Cush"ion (ksh"n), v. t. [imp. & p.p. Cushioned (-nd); p. pr. & vb. Cushioning.] 1. To seat or place on, or as on a cushion. Many who are cushioned on thrones would have remained in obscurity. Bolingbroke. 2. To furnish with cushions; as, to cushion a chaise. 3. To conceal or cover up, as under a cushion. Cushioned hammer, a dead-stroke hammer. See under Dead-stroke.

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