Tamil Dictionary 🔍


v. எதிரீடு செய்ய உதவு, சரிசம வலுவுடன் எதிர்ச் செயலாற்று, சரிசம மதிப்புடையதாயிரு.



Coun`ter*vail" (koun`tr-vl"), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Countervailed (- vld); p. pr. & vb. n. Countervailing.] Etym: [OF. contrevaloir; contre (L. contra) + valoir to avail, fr. L. valere to be strong, avail. See Vallant.] Defn: To act against with equal force, power, or effect; to thwart or overcome by such action; to furnish an equivalent to or for; to counterbalance; to compensate. Upon balancing the account, the profit at last will hardly countervail the inconveniences that go allong with it. L'Estrange. Coun"ter*vail` (koun"tr-vl`), n. Defn: Power or value sufficient to obviate any effect; equal weight, strength, or value; equivalent; compensation; requital. [Obs.] Surely, the present pleasure of a sinful act is a poor countervail for the bitterness of the review. South.

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