Tamil Dictionary 🔍


n. படையணி எதிர்ச் செலவு, அணி திருப்பம், படைத்துறைப் பயிற்சிமுறையில் அணிமாறாத் திசைத் திருப்பம், (வி,) அணிவகுத்துப் பின்திரும்பிச் செல், அணி திரும்பு.

Coun`ter*march" (koun`tr-mrch"), v. i. [imp. & p. p. Countermarched (-mrcht"); p. pr. & vb. n. Countermarching.] (Mil.) Defn: To march back, or to march in reversed order. The two armies marched and countermarched, drew near and receded. Macaulay. Coun"ter*march` (koun"tr-mrch`), n. 1. A marching back; retrocession. 2. (Mil.) Defn: An evolution by which a body of troops change front or reverse the direction of march while retaining the same men in the front rank; also, a movement by which the rear rank becomes the front one, either with or without changing the right to the left. 3. A change of measures; alteration of conduct. Such countermarches and retractions as we do not willingly impute to wisdom. T. Burnet.

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