Tamil Dictionary 🔍


a. இயலுலகொடு சார்ந்த, இயலுலக அண்டத்துக்குரிய, சீர்பெற அமைந்த இயலமைவுக்குரிய, ஒழுங்கு முறையான.

Cos"mic (kz"mk), Cos"mic*al (-m-kal), a. Etym: [Gr. kosmiko`s of the world, fr. ko`smos: cf. F. cosmique. See Cosmos.] 1. Pertaining to the universe, and having special reference to universal law or order, or to the one grand harmonious system of things; hence; harmonious; orderly. 2. Pertaining to the solar system as a whole, and not to the earth alone. 3. Characteristic of the cosmos or universe; inconceivably great; vast; as, cosmic speed. "Cosmic ranges of time." Tyndall. 4. (Astron.) Defn: Rising or setting with the sun; -- the opposite of acronycal.

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