Tamil Dictionary 🔍


v. ஏற்றிச்செல், கொண்டு செல், செய்தியை அனுப்பு, கொண்டு சென்று தெரிவி, அறிவி, சொல் வகையில் கருத்து அல்லது பொருளை உடையதாயிரு, சுட்டித்தெரிவி, வழங்கு, அளி, சட்டப்படி, ஒப்படை, திருட்டுத்தனமாகக் கொண்டுபோ.



Con*vey", v. t. [imp. & p.p. Conveyed; p.pr. & vb.n. Conveying.] Etym: [OF. conveir, convoier, to escort, convoy, F. convoyer, LL. conviare, fr. L. con- + via way. See Viaduct, Voyage, and cf. Convoy.] 1. To carry from one place to another; to bear or transport. I will convey them by sea in fleats. 1 Kings v. 9. Convey me to my bed, then to my grave. Shak. 2. To cause to pass from one place or person to another; to serve as a medium in carrying (anything) from one place or person to another; to transmit; as, air conveys sound; words convey ideas. 3. To transfer or deliver to another; to make over, as property; more strictly (Law), to transfer (real estate) or pass (a title to real estate) by a sealed writing. The Earl of Desmond . . . secretly conveyed all his lands to feoffees in trust. Spenser. 4. To impart or communicate; as, to convey an impression; to convey information. Men fill one another's heads with noise and sound, but convey not thereby their thoughts. Locke. 5. To manage with privacy; to carry out. [Obs.] I . . . will convey the business as I shall find means. Shak. 6. To carry or take away secretly; to steal; to thieve. [Obs.] 7. To accompany; to convoy. [Obs.] Chaucer. Syn. -- To carry; transport; bear; transmit; trnsfer. Con*vey", v. i. Defn: To play the thief; to steal. [Cant] But as I am Crack, I will convey, crossbite, and cheat upon Simplicius. Marston.

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