Tamil Dictionary 🔍


a. நேர்மாறான, பொதுநிலை எதிர்மறையான, உடன்பட்டது நீங்கலாக மற்ற யாவும் மறுக்கிற, எதிர்மறையானதை வற்புறுத்துகின்ற, முரண்பாடான, ஒவ்வாத, மறுக்கும்.இயல்புடைய.

Con`tra*dict"o*ry, a. Etym: [LL. contradictorius: cf. F. contradictoire.] 1. Affirming the contrary; implying a denial of what has been asserted; also, mutually contradicting; inconsistent. "Contradictory assertions." South. 2. Opposing or opposed; repugnant. Schemes . . . contradictory to common sense. Addisn. Con`tra*dict"o*ry, n.; pl. Contradictories (. 1. A proposition or thing which denies or opposes another; contrariety. It is common with princes to will contradictories. Bacon. 2. pl. (Logic) Defn: propositions with the same terms, but opposed to each other both in quality and quantity.

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