Tamil Dictionary 🔍


a. சுருங்கக்கூடிய, சுருக்கும் ஆற்றலுள்ள, சுருக்கத்தை உண்டாக்குகிற.

Con*tract"ile, a. Etym: [Cf. F. contractile.] Defn: tending to contract; having the power or property of contracting, or of shrinking into shorter or smaller dimensions; as, the contractile tissues. The heart's contractile force. H. Brooke. Each cilium seems to be composed of contractile substance. Hixley. Contractile vacuole (Zoöl.), a pulsating cavity in the interior of a protozoan, supposed to be excretory in function. There may be one, two, or more.

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