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dependent, incidental, resultant, co-emcient, hypothetical,uncertain, conditional #noun contribution, subsidy, supply, succor, reinforcement,auxiliaries, donation, subscription


positive, absolute, independent, unmodified, unaffected,uncontrolled, irrespective #noun army, sum, host, campaign, fund, capital

Con*tin"gent, a. Etym: [L. contingens, -entis, p.pr. of contingere to touch on all sides, to happen; con- + tangere to touch: cf. F. contingent. See Tangent, Tact.] 1. Possible, or liable, but not certain, to occur; incidental; casual. Weighing so much actual crime against so much contingent advantage. Burke. 2. Dependent on that which is undetermined or unknown; as, the success of his undertaking is contingent upon events which he can not control. "Uncertain and contingent causes." Tillotson. 3. (Law) Defn: Dependent for effect on something that may or may not occur; as, a contingent estate. If a contingent legacy be left to any one when he attains, or if he attains, the age of twenty-one. Blackstone. Con*tin"gent, n. 1. An event which may or may not happen; that which is unforeseen, undetermined, or dependent on something future; a contingency. His understanding could almost pierce into future contingets. South. 2. That which falls to one in a division or apportionment among a number; a suitable share; proportion; esp., a quota of troops. From the Alps to the border of Flanders, contingents were required . . . 200,000 men were in arms. Milman.

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