Tamil Dictionary 🔍


v. உருவொத்த படிவமாக்கு, ஒத்திருக்கச் செய், முன்மாதிரியாகப் பின்பற்று, ஒத்திரு, இணக்குவித்துச் சரி செய், இணங்கு, ஒத்துப்போ, கீழ்ப்படி.



Con*form", a. [L. conformis; con- + forma form: cf. F. conforme.] Defn: Of the same form; similar in import; conformable. Bacon. Care must be taken that the interpretation be every way conform to the analogy of faith. Bp.Hall. Con*form", v. i. 1. To be in accord or harmony; to comply; to be obedient; to submit; -- with to or with. A rule to which experience must conform. Whewell. 2. (Eng. Eccl. Hist.) To comply with the usages of the Established Church; to be a conformist. About two thousand ministers whose consciences did not suffer them to conform were driven from their benefices in a day. Macaulay. Con*form", v. t. [imp. & p. p. Conformed; p. pr. & vb. n. Conforming.] [F. conformer, L. conformare, -formatum; con- + formare to form, forma form. See Form.] Defn: To shape in accordance with; to make like; to bring into harmony or agreement with; -- usually with to or unto. Demand of them wherefore they conform not themselves unto the order of the church. Hooker.

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