Tamil Dictionary 🔍


v. தொகு, திரட்டு, சேகரித்து, ஏடாக இயற்று, சேகர ஏடு உருவாக்கு, ஆட்டக் கெலிப்புக்களைத் தொகையாக்கு.

Com*pile", v. t. [imp. & p. p. Compiled; p. pr. & vb. n. Compiling.] Etym: [F. compiler, fr.L. compilare to plunder, pillage; com- + pilare to plunder. See Pill, v. t., Pillage.] 1. To put together; to construct; to build. [Obs.] Before that Merlin died, he did intend A brazen wall in compass to compile. Spenser. 2. To contain or comprise. [Obs.] Which these six books compile. Spenser. 3. To put together in a new form out of materials already existing; esp., to put together or compose out of materials from other books or documents. He [Goldsmith] compiled for the use of schools a History of Rome. Macaulay. 4. To write; to compose. [Obs.] Sir W. Temple.

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