Tamil Dictionary 🔍


n. கூடிக்கலந்து பேசுதல், சிந்தனை செய்தல், ஆன்மிகக் கூட்டுறவு, தோழமை, பொது உரிமை, சமய வழிபாட்டு ஒற்றுமை, சமய வழிபாட்டுக்கு ஒன்றுகூடிய மக்கள் குழு, இயேசுநாதரின் இறுதி விருந்து.



Com*mun"ion, n. Etym: [L. communio: cf. F. communion. See Common.] 1. The act of sharing; community; participation. "This communion of goods." Blackstone. 2. Intercourse between two or more persons; esp., intimate association and intercourse implying sympathy and confidence; interchange of thoughts, purposes, etc.; agreement; fellowship; as, the communion of saints. We are naturally induced to seek communion and fellowship with others. Hooker. What communion hath light with darkness 2 Cor. vi. 14. Bare communion with a good church can never alone make a good man. South. 3. A body of Christians having one common faith and discipline; as, the Presbyterian communion. 4. The sacrament of the eucharist; the celebration of the Lord's supper; the act of partaking of the sacrament; as, to go to communion; to partake of the communion. Close communion. See under Close, a. -- Communion elements, the bread and wine used in the celebration of the Lord's supper. -- Communion service, the celebration of the Lord's supper, or the office or service therefor. -- Communion table, the table upon which the elements are placed at the celebration of the Lord's supper. -- Communion in both kinds, participation in both the bread and wine by all communicants. -- Communion in one kind, participation in but one element, as in the Roman Catholic Church, where the laity partake of the bread only. Syn. -- Share; participation; fellowship; converse; intercourse; unity; concord; agreement.

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