Tamil Dictionary 🔍


-1 n. இயல்பு கடந்த ஆழ்ந்த உறக்கநிலை, எல்லா உணர்ச்சியும் இழந்த முழு மயக்கநிலை, செயலின்மை.-2 n. (தாவ.) விதைநுனியின் குஞ்சம், மரத்தின் உச்சித் தழைக்கொத்து, (வான்.) வால் வௌ஢ளியின் தலைப்புறத்தில் மேகம் போன்று சூழ்ந்துள்ள உறை.

Co"ma, n. Etym: [NL., fr. Gr. Cemetery.] Defn: A state of profound insensibility from which it is difficult or impossible to rouse a person. See Carus. Co"ma, n. Etym: [L., hair, fr. Gr. 1. (Astron.) Defn: The envelope of a comet; a nebulous covering, which surrounds the nucleus or body of a comet. 2. (Bot.) Defn: A tuft or bunch, -- as the assemblage of branches forming the head of a tree; or a cluster of brachts when empty and terminating the inflorescence of a plant; or a tuft of long hairs on certain seeds. Coma Berenices ( Etym: [L.] (Astron.), a small constellation north of Virgo; -- called also Berenice's Hair. Co"ma, n. Etym: [NL., fr. Gr. Cemetery.] Defn: A state of profound insensibility from which it is difficult or impossible to rouse a person. See Carus. Co"ma, n. Etym: [L., hair, fr. Gr. 1. (Astron.) Defn: The envelope of a comet; a nebulous covering, which surrounds the nucleus or body of a comet. 2. (Bot.) Defn: A tuft or bunch, -- as the assemblage of branches forming the head of a tree; or a cluster of brachts when empty and terminating the inflorescence of a plant; or a tuft of long hairs on certain seeds. Coma Berenices ( Etym: [L.] (Astron.), a small constellation north of Virgo; -- called also Berenice's Hair.

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