Tamil Dictionary 🔍


a. உடல்தூய்மை, செயல் துப்புரவு, தூய்மைக் கவனமுள்ள, (வினையடை) தூய்மையான முறையில், துப்புரவாக.

Clean"ly, a. [Compar. Cleanlier; superl. Cleanliest.] Etym: [From Clean.] 1. Habitually clean; pure; innocent. "Cleanly joys." Glanvill. Some plain but cleanly country maid. Dryden. Displays her cleanly platter on the board. Goldsmith. 2. Cleansing; fitted to remove moisture; dirt, etc. [Obs.] "With cleanly powder dry their hair." Prior. 3. Adroit; skillful; dexterous; artful. [Obs.] Through his fine handling and his cleanly play. Spenser. Clean"ly, adv. 1. In a clean manner; neatly. He was very cleanly dressed. Dickens. 2. Innocently; without stain. Shak. 3. Adroitly; dexterously. Middleton.

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