Tamil Dictionary 🔍


a. கள்ளத்தனமான, ஔதவு மறைவான, வஞ்சகமான.


Clan*des"tine, a. Etym: [L. clandestinus, fr. clam secretly; akin to celare, E. conceal: cf. F. clandestin.] Defn: Conducted with secrecy; withdrawn from public notice, usually for an evil purpose; kept secret; hidden; private; underhand; as, a clandestine marriage. Locke. Syn. -- Hidden; secret; private; concealed; underhand; sly; stealthy; surreptitious; furtive; fraudulent. -- Clan*des"tine*ly, adv. -- Clan*des"tine*ness, n.

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