Tamil Dictionary 🔍


n. இடர்பட்டுத் தவழ்ந்தேறும் முயற்சி, (வி.) தொற்றி ஏறு, தந்தித்தாவு, கைகால்களால் பற்றிக்கொண்டு மேற்செல்.

Clam"ber, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Clambered; p. pr. & vb. n. Clambering.] Etym: [OE clambren, clameren, to heap together, climb; akin to Icel. klambra to clamp, G. klammern. Cf. Clamp, Climb.] Defn: To climb with difficulty, or with hands and feet; -- also used figuratively. The narrow street that clambered toward the mill. Tennyson. Clam"ber, n. Defn: The act of clambering. T. Moore. Clam"ber, v. t. Defn: To ascend by climbing with difficulty. Clambering the walls to eye him. Shak.

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