Tamil Dictionary 🔍


n. pl. கண்ணிமை மயிர், இலையில் இமை போன்ற இழை, பூச்சிச் சிறகின் ஓர இழை, (உட.) இழையுறுப்பு, கீழின உயிர்களில் கால்போலப் பயன்படும் இழை உறுப்பு.

Cil"i*a, n. pl. Cilium, the sing., is rarely used. Etym: [L. cilium eyelid.] 1. (Anat.) Defn: The eyelashes. 2. (Biol.) Defn: Small, generally microscopic, vibrating appendages lining certain organs, as the air passages of the higher animals, and in the lower animals often covering also the whole or a part of the exterior. They are also found on some vegetable organisms. In the Infusoria, and many larval forms, they are locomotive organs. 3. (Bot.) Defn: Hairlike processes, commonly marginal and forming a fringe like the eyelash. 4. (Zoöl.) Defn: Small, vibratory, swimming organs, somewhat resembling true cilia, as those of Ctenophora.

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