Tamil Dictionary 🔍


n. குழந்தை, சிறுவன், சிறுமி, மகவு, மகன், மகள், கான்முளை, மரபில் வந்தவர், பின்னார், மரபினர், மாணவர், உயர்குடி இளவல், ஏந்தல், ஆக்க உரு, விளைவுருவானவர்.

Child, n.; pl. Children. Etym: [AS. cild, pl. cildru; cf. Goth. kilÞei womb, in-kilÞ\'d3 with child.] 1. A son or a daughter; a male or female descendant, in the first degree; the immediate progeny of human parents; -- in law, legitimate offspring. Used also of animals and plants. 2. A descendant, however remote; -- used esp. in the plural; as, the children of Israel; the children of Edom. 3. One who, by character of practice, shows signs of relationship to, or of the influence of, another; one closely connected with a place, occupation, character, etc.; as, a child of God; a child of the devil; a child of disobedience; a child of toil; a child of the people. 4. A noble youth. See Childe. [Obs.] Chaucer. 5. A young person of either sex. esp. one between infancy and youth; hence, one who exhibits the characteristics of a very young person, as innocence, obedience, trustfulness, limited understanding, etc. When I was child. I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things. 1. Cor. xii. 11. 6. A female infant. [Obs.] A boy or a child, I wonder Shak. To be with child, to be pregnant. -- Child's play, light work; a trifling contest. Child, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Childed; p. pr. & vb. n. Childing.] Defn: To give birth; to produce young. This queen Genissa childing died. Warner. It chanced within two days they childed both. Latimer.

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