Tamil Dictionary 🔍


-1 n. தொற்றுமூலமாக மட்டுமே வரும் கிரந்தி நோய்வகை.a. கிரந்திப்புண் உடைய, கிரந்திப்புண் சார்ந்த.

Chan"croid, n. Etym: [Chancre + -oil.] (Med.) Defn: A venereal sore, resembling a chancre in its seat and some external characters, but differing from it in being the starting point of a purely local process and never of a systemic disease; -- called also soft chancre. Chan"croid, n. Etym: [Chancre + -oil.] (Med.) Defn: A venereal sore, resembling a chancre in its seat and some external characters, but differing from it in being the starting point of a purely local process and never of a systemic disease; -- called also soft chancre.

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