Tamil Dictionary 🔍


n. (சட்.) வேண்டுமென்றே செய்யப்படாத ஆட்கொலைக் குற்றம், கவனக் குறைவால் தீங்கு மிகுதிப்பட்ட குற்றம்.

Chance"-med`ley, n. Etym: [Chance + medley.] 1. (Law) Defn: The kiling of another in self-defense upon a sudden and unpremeditated encounter. See Chaud-Medley. Note: The term has been sometimes applied to any kind of homicide by misadventure, or to any accidental killing of a person without premeditation or evil intent, but, in strictness, is applicable to such killing as happens in defending one's self against assault. Bouvier. 2. Luck; chance; accident. Milton. Cowper.

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