Tamil Dictionary 🔍


a. (சட்.) வழக்கு வகையில் வௌதயார் உதவிக்காகப் பேசப்படும் பங்குபேரம்.

Cham"per*ty, n. Etym: [F. champart field rent, L. campipars; champ (L. campus) field + part (L. pars) share.] 1. Partnership in power; equal share of authority. [Obs.] Beauté ne sleighte, strengthe ne hardyness, Ne may with Venus holde champartye. Chaucer. 2. (Law) Defn: The prosecution or defense of a suit, whether by furnishing money or personal services, by one who has no legitimate concern therein, in consideration of an agreement that he shall receive, in the event of success, a share of the matter in suit; maintenance with the addition of an agreement to divide the thing in suit. See Maintenance. Note: By many authorities champerty is defined as an agreement of this nature. From early times the offence of champerty has been forbidden and punishable.

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