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Cha*grin", n. Etym: [F., fr. chagrin shagreen, a particular kind of rough and grained leather; also a rough fishskin used for graters and files; hence (Fig.), a gnawing, corroding grief. See Shagreen.] Defn: Vexation; mortification. I must own that I felt rather vexation and chagrin than hope and satisfaction. Richard Porson. Hear me, and touch Belinda with chagrin. Pope. Syn. -- Vexation; mortification; peevishness; fretfulness; disgust; disquiet. Chagrin, Vexation, Mortification. These words agree in the general sense of pain produced by untoward circumstances. Vexation is a feeling of disquietude or irritating uneasiness from numerous causes, such as losses, disappointments, etc. Mortification is a stronger word, and denotes that keen sense of pain which results fron wounded pride or humiliating occurrences. Chagrin is literally the cutting pain produced by the friction of Shagreen leather; in its figurative sense, it varies in meaning, denoting in its lower degrees simply a state of vexation, and its higher degrees the keenest sense of mortification. "Vexation arises chiefly fron our wishes and views being crossed: mortification, from our self-importance being hurt; chagrin, from a mixture of the two." Crabb. Cha*grin", v. t. [imp. & p. p. Chagrined; p. pr. & vb. n. Chargrining.] Etym: [Cf. F. chagriner See Chagrin, n.] Defn: To excite ill-humor in; to vex; to mortify; as, he was not a little chagrined. Cha*grin", v. i. Defn: To be vexed or annoyed. Fielding. Cha*grin", a. Defn: Chagrined. Dryden.

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