Tamil Dictionary 🔍


n. நாடறிந்திருத்தல், புகழ்பெற்றிருத்தல், புகழ் இசை, நாடறிந்தவர், புகழ்பெற்றவர்.



Ce*leb"ri*ty, n.; pl. Celebriries. Etym: [L. celebritas: cf. F. célébrité.] 1. Celebration; solemnization. [Obs.] The celebrity of the marriage. Bacon. 2. The state or condition of being celebrated; fame; renown; as, the celebrity of Washington. An event of great celebrity in the history of astronomy. Whewell. 3. A person of distinction or renown; -- usually in the plural; as, he is one of the celebrities of the place.

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