Tamil Dictionary 🔍


n. பேழை, சிறு மிடா, பெட்டகம், அணிமணிப்பெட்டி.

Cas"ket, n. Etym: [Cf. F. casquet, dim. of casque belmet, fr. Sp. casco.] 1. A small chest or box, esp. of rich material or ornamental character, as for jewels, etc. The little casket bring me hither. Shak. 2. A kind of burial case. [U. S.] 3. Anything containing or intended to contain something highly esteemed; as: (a) The body. (Shak). (b) The tomb. (Milton). (c) A book of selections. [poetic] They found him dead . . . an empty casket. Shak. Cas"ket, n. (Naut.) Defn: A gasket. See Gasket. Cas"ket, v. t. Defn: To put into, or preserve in, a casket. [Poetic] "I have casketed my treasure." Shak.

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