Tamil Dictionary 🔍


v. செதுக்கு, செதுக்கி உருவாக்கு, வெட்டியமை, குடைந்து உண்டுபண்ணு, குறுக அரி, கொத்து, செதுக்கி உருவமாற்று, உருவங்கள் செதுக்கி ஒப்பனை செய், மாதிரிப் படங்களைச் செதுக்கு, இறைச்சி வெட்டித் துண்டாக்கு, வெட்டிப் பகிர், சிற்பத்தொழில் நடத்து, சிற்பவேலைச் செய்.

Carve, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Carved; p. pr. & vb. n. Carving.] Etym: [AS. ceorfan to cut, carve; akin to D. kerven, G. kerben, Dan. karve, Sw. karfva, and to Gr. -graphy. Cf. Graphic.] 1. To cut. [Obs.] Or they will carven the shepherd's throat. Spenser. 2. To cut, as wood, stone, or other material, in an artistic or decorative manner; to sculpture; to engrave. Carved with figures strange and sweet. Coleridge. 3. To make or shape by cutting, sculpturing, or engraving; to form; as, to carve a name on a tree. An angel carved in stone. Tennyson. We carved not a line, and we raised not a stone. C. Wolfe. 4. To cut into small pieces or slices, as meat at table; to divide for distribution or apportionment; to apportion. "To carve a capon." Shak. 5. To cut: to hew; to mark as if by cutting. My good blade carved the casques of men. Tennyson. A million wrinkles carved his skin. Tennyson. 6. To take or make, as by cutting; to provide. Who could easily have carved themselves their own food. South. 7. To lay out; to contrive; to design; to plan. Lie ten nights awake carving the fashion of a new doublet. Shak. To carve out, to make or get by cutting, or as if by cutting; to cut out. "[Macbeth] with his brandished steel . . . carved out his passage." Shak. Fortunes were carved out of the property of the crown. Macaulay. Carve, v. i. 1. To exercise the trade of a sculptor or carver; to engrave or cut figures. 2. To cut up meat; as, to carve for all the guests. Carve, n. Defn: A carucate. [Obs.] Burrill.

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