Tamil Dictionary 🔍


a. உடலின்பத்துக்குரிய, சதைபற்றிய, இம்மை வாழ்விற்குரிய, பாலுணர்ச்சி சார்ந்த, கடவுட்டன்மைபெறாத, உலோகாயத, (வி.) உடலின்பத்துக்குரிய செயல்புரி.



Car"nal, a. Etym: [L. carnalis, fr. caro, carnis, flesh; akin to Gr. kravya; cf. F. charnel, Of. also carnel. Cf. Charnel.] 1. Of or pertaining to the body or is appetites; animal; fleshly; sensual; given to sensual indulgence; lustful; human or worldly as opposed to spiritual. For ye are yet carnal. 1 Car. iii. 3. Not sunk in carnal pleasure. Milton rnal desires after miracles. Trench. 2. Flesh-devouring; cruel; ravenous; bloody. [Obs.] This carnal cur Preys on the issue of his mother's body. Shak. Carnal knowledge, sexual intercourse; -- used especially of an unlawful act on the part of the man.

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