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Bull"head`, n. 1. (Zoöl.) (a) A fresh-water fish of many species, of the genus Uranidea, esp. U. gobio of Europe, and U. Richardsoni of the United States; -- called also miller's thumb. (b) In America, several species of Amiurus; -- called also catfish, horned pout, and bullpout. (c) A marine fish of the genus Cottus; the sculpin. 2. (Zoöl.) (a) The black-bellied plover (Squatarola helvetica); -- called also beetlehead. (b) The golden plover. 3. A stupid fellow; a lubber. [Colloq.] Jonson. 4. (Zoöl.) Defn: A small black water insect. E. Phillips. Bullhead whiting (Zoöl.), the kingfish of Florida (Menticirrus alburnus).

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