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n. ஓர்ஈட்டு முட்டையின் குஞ்சுத்தொகுதி, வளர்ப்பினம், குழந்தைகள், வழித்தோன்றல், பிறப்பு மரபு, இனம், வகை, வளர்ப்பு முறை, மக்கள் தொகுதி, விலங்குக் கூட்டம், பொருள்களின் கோவை, (வினை) அடைகாத்தல் செய், குஞ்சுபொரி, அருகணைத்திரு, நினைவில் ஆழ், நினைந்து நினைந்தேங்கு.

Brood, n. Etym: [OE. brod, AS. brod; akin to D. broed, OHG. bruot, G. brut, and also to G. brühe broth, MHG. brüeje, and perh. to E. brawn, breath. Cf. Breed, v. t.] 1. The young birds hatched at one time; a hatch; as, a brood of chicken. As a hen doth gather her brood under her wings. Luke xiii. 34. A hen followed by a brood of ducks. Spectator. 2. The young from the same dam, whether produced at the same time or not; young children of the same mother, especially if nearly of the same age; offspring; progeny; as, a woman with a brood of children. The lion roars and gluts his tawny brood. Wordsworth. 3. That which is bred or produced; breed; species. Flocks of the airy brood, (Cranes, geese or long-necked swans). Chapman. 4. (Mining) Defn: Heavy waste in tin and copper ores. To sit on brood, to ponder. [Poetic] Shak. Brood, a. 1. Sitting or inclined to sit on eggs. 2. Kept for breeding from; as, a brood mare; brood stock; having young; as, a brood sow. Brood, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Brooded; p. pr. & vb. n. Brooding.] 1. To sit on and cover eggs, as a fowl, for the purpose of warming them and hatching the young; or to sit over and cover young, as a hen her chickens, in order to warm and protect them; hence, to sit quietly, as if brooding. Birds of calm sir brooding on the charmed wave. Milton. 2. To have the mind dwell continuously or moodily on a subject; to think long and anxiously; to be in a state of gloomy, serious thought; -- usually followed by over or on; as, to brood over misfortunes. Brooding on unprofitable gold. Dryden. Brooding over all these matters, the mother felt like one who has evoked a spirit. Hawthorne. When with downcast eyes we muse and brood. Tennyson. Brood, v. t. 1. To sit over, cover, and cherish; as, a hen broods her chickens. 2. To cherish with care. [R.] 3. To think anxiously or moodily upon. You'll sit and brood your sorrows on a throne. Dryden.

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