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தடிப்புn. துணிவுள்ள, தீரமிக்க, திண்ணிய, உரமுடைய, ஆணவமிக்க, தன்னம்பிக்கையுடைய, நாணமில்லாத, அடக்கமற்ற, வரம்புமீறிய, எடுப்பான, முனைப்பான, புறப்புடைப்பான, எளிதில் புலப்படத்தக்க, முயற்சி குன்றாத, செயலுக்கமுடைய, மேடான, செங்குத்தான, திடுமென்ற.



Bold, a. Etym: [OE. bald, bold, AS. bald, beald; akin to Icel. ballr, OHG. bald, MHG. balt, D. boud, Goth. bal boldness, It. baldo. In Ger. there remains only bald, adv. soon. Cf. Bawd, n.] 1. Forward to meet danger; venturesome; daring; not timorous or shrinking from risk; brave; courageous. Throngs of knights and barons bold. Milton. 2. Exhibiting or requiring spirit and contempt of danger; planned with courage; daring; vigorous. "The bold design leased highly." Milton. 3. In a bad sense, too forward; taking undue liberties; over assuming or confident; lacking proper modesty or restraint; rude; impudent. Thou art too wild, too rude and bold of voice. Shak. 4. Somewhat overstepping usual bounds, or conventional rules, as in art, literature, etc.; taking liberties in o composition or expression; as, the figures of an author are bold. "Bold tales." Waller. The cathedral church is a very bold work. Addison. 5. Standing prominently out to view; markedly conspicuous; striking the eye; in high relief. Shadows in painting . . . make the figure bolder. Dryden. 6. Steep; abrupt; prominent. Where the bold cape its warning forehead rears. Trumbull. Bold, v. t. Defn: To make bold or daring. [Obs.] Shak. Bold, v. i. Defn: To be or become bold. [Obs.] Bold, a. Etym: [OE. bald, bold, AS. bald, beald; akin to Icel. ballr, OHG. bald, MHG. balt, D. boud, Goth. bal boldness, It. baldo. In Ger. there remains only bald, adv. soon. Cf. Bawd, n.] 1. Forward to meet danger; venturesome; daring; not timorous or shrinking from risk; brave; courageous. Throngs of knights and barons bold. Milton. 2. Exhibiting or requiring spirit and contempt of danger; planned with courage; daring; vigorous. "The bold design leased highly." Milton. 3. In a bad sense, too forward; taking undue liberties; over assuming or confident; lacking proper modesty or restraint; rude; impudent. Thou art too wild, too rude and bold of voice. Shak. 4. Somewhat overstepping usual bounds, or conventional rules, as in art, literature, etc.; taking liberties in o composition or expression; as, the figures of an author are bold. "Bold tales." Waller. The cathedral church is a very bold work. Addison. 5. Standing prominently out to view; markedly conspicuous; striking the eye; in high relief. Shadows in painting . . . make the figure bolder. Dryden. 6. Steep; abrupt; prominent. Where the bold cape its warning forehead rears. Trumbull. Bold, v. t. Defn: To make bold or daring. [Obs.] Shak. Bold, v. i. Defn: To be or become bold. [Obs.]

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