Tamil Dictionary 🔍


n. முன்கடைவாய்ப்பல், (பெ.) பல்லில் இரு முனைகளையுடைய.n. முன்கடைவாய்ப்பல், (பெ.) பல்லில் இரு முனைகளையுடைய.

Bi*cus"pid, n. (Anat.) Defn: One of the two double-pointed teeth which intervene between the canines (cuspids) and the molars, on each side of each jaw. See Tooth, n. Bi*cus"pid, Bi*cus"pid*ate, a. Etym: [See pref. Bi-, and Cuspidate.] Defn: Having two points or prominences; ending in two points; -- said of teeth, leaves, fruit, etc.

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