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adv. மேலும், அதாஅன்று, அல்லாமலும். அப்படியிராவிடில், மற்றபடி, வேறாக.adv. மேலும், அதாஅன்று, அல்லாமலும். அப்படியிராவிடில், மற்றபடி, வேறாக.

Be*sides, prep. Defn: Over and above; separate or distinct from; in addition to; other than; else than. See Beside, prep., 3, and Syn. under Beside. Besides your cheer, you shall have sport. Shak. Be*sides", Be*side", adv. Etym: [OE. Same as beside, prep.; the ending -s is an adverbial one, prop. a genitive sign.] 1. On one side. [Obs.] Chaucer. Shak. 2. More than that; over and above; not included in the number, or in what has been mentioned; moreover; in addition. The men said unto Lot, Hast thou here any besides Gen. xix. 12. To all beside, as much an empty shade, An Eugene living, as a Cæsar dead. Pope. Note: These sentences may be considered as elliptical.

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