Tamil Dictionary 🔍


n. வாயருகே நார்போன்ற தசையிழை அமைவுடைய மீன் வகை, தாடி போன்ற தசையிழை அமைவு.

Bar"bel, n.Etym: [OE. barbel, F. barbeau, dim. of L. barbus barbel, fr. barba beard. See 1st Barb.] 1. (Zoöl.) Defn: A slender tactile organ on the lips of certain fished. 2. (Zoöl.) Defn: A large fresh-water fish ( Barbus vulgaris) found in many European rivers. Its upper jaw is furnished with four barbels. 3. pl. Defn: Barbs or paps under the tongued of horses and cattle. See 1st Barb, 3.

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