Tamil Dictionary 🔍


-1 n. வளைகோல், முணையில் வளைவடைய பந்தடிக்கும் கோல், வளைகோற்பந்தாட்டம், சிறப்புவகை வரிப்பந்தாட்டம், பனிக்கட்டிப் பரப்புமீது ஆடப்பெறும் விளையாட்டு வகை, (வினை) பந்தடி, பந்தெறி, பந்தைக் கைமாற்றி அனுப்பு, பந்தை இங்குமங்குமாகச் செல்லவிடு, தகதைகளை இடத்துக்கிடம் நவண்டி.



Ban"dy, n. Etym: [Telugu bandi.] Defn: A carriage or cart used in India, esp. one drawn by bullocks. Ban"dy, n.; pl. Bandies (. Etym: [Cf. F. bandé, p.p. of bander to bind, to bend (a bow), to bandy, fr. bande. See Band, n.] 1. A club bent at the lower part for striking a ball at play; a hockey stick. Johnson. 2. The game played with such a club; hockey; shinney; bandy ball. Ban"dy, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Bandied (p. pr. & vb. n. Bandying.] 1. To beat to and fro, as a ball in playing at bandy. Like tennis balls bandied and struck upon us . . . by rackets from without. Cudworth. 2. To give and receive reciprocally; to exchange. "To bandy hasty words." Shak. 3. To toss about, as from man to man; to agitate. Let not obvious and known truth be bandied about in a disputation. I. Watts. Ban"dy, v. i. Defn: To content, as at some game in which each strives to drive the ball his own way. Fit to bandy with thy lawless sons. Shak. Ban"dy, a. Defn: Bent; crooked; curved laterally, esp. with the convex side outward; as, a bandy leg. Ban"dy, n. Etym: [Telugu bandi.] Defn: A carriage or cart used in India, esp. one drawn by bullocks. Ban"dy, n.; pl. Bandies (. Etym: [Cf. F. bandé, p.p. of bander to bind, to bend (a bow), to bandy, fr. bande. See Band, n.] 1. A club bent at the lower part for striking a ball at play; a hockey stick. Johnson. 2. The game played with such a club; hockey; shinney; bandy ball. Ban"dy, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Bandied (p. pr. & vb. n. Bandying.] 1. To beat to and fro, as a ball in playing at bandy. Like tennis balls bandied and struck upon us . . . by rackets from without. Cudworth. 2. To give and receive reciprocally; to exchange. "To bandy hasty words." Shak. 3. To toss about, as from man to man; to agitate. Let not obvious and known truth be bandied about in a disputation. I. Watts. Ban"dy, v. i. Defn: To content, as at some game in which each strives to drive the ball his own way. Fit to bandy with thy lawless sons. Shak. Ban"dy, a. Defn: Bent; crooked; curved laterally, esp. with the convex side outward; as, a bandy leg.

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