Tamil Dictionary 🔍


v. எதிர்பார்த்துக் காத்திரு, எதிர்நோக்கியிரு, பதிவிரு, வரஇரு, பின்வருங் காலத்துக்குரியதாயிரு

A*wait", v. t. [imp. & p. p. Awaited; p. pr. & vb. n. Awaiting.] Etym: [OF. awaitier, agaitier; (L. ad) + waitier, gaitier to watch, F. guetter. See Wait.] 1. To watch for; to look out for. [Obs.] 2. To wait on, serve, or attend. [Obs.] 3. To wait for; to stay for; to expect. See Expect. Betwixt these rocky pillars Gabriel sat, Chief of the angelic guards, awaiting night. Milton. 4. To be in store for; to be ready or in waiting for; as, a glorious reward awaits the good. O Eve, some farther change awaits us night. Milton. A*wait", v. i. 1. To watch. [Obs.] Chaucer. 2. To wait (on or upon). [Obs.] 3. To wait; to stay in waiting. Darwin. A*wait", n. Defn: A waiting for; ambush; watch; watching; heed. [Obs.] Chaucer.

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