Tamil Dictionary 🔍


a. காதைச் சார்ந்த, காதிற் சொல்லப்பட்ட, காதுமடல் போன்ற.

Au*ric"u*lar, a. Etym: [LL. auricularis: cf. F. auriculaire. See Auricle.] 1. Of or pertaining to the ear, or to the sense of hearing; as, auricular nerves. 2. Told in the ear, i. e., told privately; as, auricular confession to the priest. This next chapter is a penitent confession of the king, and the strangest . . . that ever was auricular. Milton. 3. Recognized by the ear; known by the sense of hearing; as, auricular evidence. "Auricular assurance." Shak. 4. Received by the ear; known by report. "Auricular traditions." Bacon. 5. (Anat.) Defn: Pertaining to the auricles of the heart. Auricular finger, the little finger; so called because it can be readily introduced into the ear passage.

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