Tamil Dictionary 🔍


n. மலச்சிக்கல், நரம்பிறுக்கம், தசையிறுக்கம்.

As*tric"tion, n. Etym: [L. astrictio.] 1. The act of binding; restriction; also, obligation. Milton. 2. (Med.) (a) A contraction of parts by applications; the action of an astringent substance on the animal economy. Dunglison. (b) Constipation. Arbuthnot. 3. Astringency. [Obs.] Bacon. 4. (Scots Law) Defn: An obligation to have the grain growing on certain lands ground at a certain mill, the owner paying a toll. Bell. Note: The lands were said to be astricted to the mill.

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