Tamil Dictionary 🔍


a. ஏறுகிற, உஸ்ர்கிற, நிமிர்கிற, உச்சிநோக்கிச்செல்கிற, மேன்மேல் விரைகிற.

As*cend"ing, a. Defn: Rising; moving upward; as, an ascending kite. -- As*cend"ing*ly, adv. Ascending latitude (Astron.), the increasing latitude of a planet. Ferguson. -- Ascending line (Geneol.), the line of relationship traced backward or through one's ancestors. One's father and mother, grandfather and grandmother, etc., are in the line direct ascending. -- Ascending node having, that node of the moon or a planet wherein it passes the ecliptic to proceed northward. It is also called the northern node. Herschel. -- Ascending series. (Math.) (a) A series arranged according to the ascending powers of a quantity. (b) A series in which each term is greater than the preceding. -- Ascending signs, signs east of the meridian.

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