Tamil Dictionary 🔍


a. நீர் சார்ந்த, நீர்கலந்த, நீர்த்த, (மண்.) நீரினால் படியவிடப்பட்ட.

A"que*ous, a. Etym: [Cf. F. aqueux, L. aquosus, fr. aqua. See Aqua, Aquose.] 1. Partaking of the nature of water, or abounding with it; watery. The aqueous vapor of the air. Tyndall. 2. Made from, or by means of, water. An aqueous deposit. Dana. Aqueous extract, an extract obtained from a vegetable substance by steeping it in water. -- Aqueous humor (Anat.), one the humors of the eye; a limpid fluid, occupying the space between the crystalline lens and the cornea. (See Eye.) -- Aqueous rocks (Geol.), those which are deposited from water and lie in strata, as opposed to volcanic rocks, which are of igneous origin; -- called also sedimentary rocks.

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