Tamil Dictionary 🔍


v. கருத்தில் பதிவு செய்துகொள், திறனாய்ந்து உரை, குறைசொல், இடித்துரை, குறித்துக்கொள்.

An`i*mad*vert", v. i. [imp. & p. p. Animadverted; p. pr. & vb. n. Animadverting.] Etym: [L. animadvertere; animus mind + advertere to turn to; ad to + vertere to turn.] 1. To take notice; to observe; -- commonly followed by that. Dr. H. More. 2. To consider or remark by way of criticism or censure; to express censure; -- with on or upon. I should not animadvert on him . . . if he had not used extreme severity in his judgment of the incomparable Shakespeare. Dryden. 3. To take cognizance judicially; to inflict punishment. [Archaic] Grew. Syn. -- To remark; comment; criticise; censure.

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