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adv. வல்லாற்றலுல்ன், முழுவேகமாக, மிகளம்.

A*main", adv. Etym: [Pref. a- + main. See 2d Main, n.] 1. With might; with full force; vigorously; violently; exceedingly. They on the hill, which were not yet come to blows, perceiving the fewness of their enemies, came down amain. Milton. That striping giant, ill-bred and scoffing, shouts amain. T. Parker. 2. At full speed; in great haste; also, at once. "They fled amain." Holinshed. A*main", v. t. Etym: [F. amener. See Amenable.] (Naut.) Defn: To lower, as a sail, a yard, etc. A*main", v. i. (Naut.) Defn: To lower the topsail, in token of surrender; to yield.

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