Tamil Dictionary 🔍


00*துண்டாக, தனியாக, அப்பால், தள்ளி, தொலைவில், வேறாக, பற்றின்றி, தற்பெருமையுடன் விலகிநின்று, ஒட்டாமல்.



A*loof", n. (Zoöl.) Defn: Same as Alewife. A*loof", adv. Etym: [Pref. a- + loof, fr. D. loef luff, and so meaning, as a nautical word, to the windward. See Loof, Luff.] 1. At or from a distance, but within view, or at a small distance; apart; away. Our palace stood aloof from streets. Dryden. 2. Without sympathy; unfavorably. To make the Bible as from the hand of God, and then to look at it aloof and with caution, is the worst of all impieties. I. Taylor. A*loof", prep. Defn: Away from; clear from. [Obs.] Rivetus . . . would fain work himself aloof these rocks and quicksands. Milton.

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