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v. வலியச் சண்டைக்குப்போ.

Ag*gress", v. i. [imp. & p. p. Aggressed; p. pr. & vb. n. Aggressing.] [L. aggressus, p. p. of aggredi to go to, approach; ad + gradi to step, go, gradus step: cf. OF. aggresser. See Grade.] Defn: To commit the first act of hostility or offense; to begin a quarrel or controversy; to make an attack; -- with on. Ag*gress", n. [L. aggressus.] Defn: Aggression. [Obs.] Their military aggresses on others. Sir M. Hale. Ag*gress", v. t. Defn: To set upon; to attack. [R.]

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