Tamil Dictionary 🔍


n. இணைக்கப்பட்ட பொருள், துணைப்பொருள், உதவியாளர், (இலக்.) தழுவுசொல், தழுவுதொடர், (அள) துணைப்பண்பு, சிறப்பில்லா அடை, (வினை) உடன் இணைந்த.

Ad"junct`, a. Etym: [L. adjunctus, p. p. of adjungere. See Adjoin.] Defn: Conjoined; attending; consequent. Though that my death were adjunct to my act. Shak. Adjunct notes (Mus.), short notes between those essential to the harmony; auxiliary notes; passing notes. Ad"junct`, n. 1. Something joined or added to another thing, but not essentially a part of it. Learning is but an adjunct to our self. Shak. 2. A person joined to another in some duty or service; a colleague; an associate. Wotton. 3. (Gram.) Defn: A word or words added to quality or amplify the force of other words; as, the History of the American Revolution, where the words in italics are the adjunct or adjuncts of "History." 4. (Metaph.) Defn: A quality or property of the body or the mind, whether natural or acquired; as, color, in the body, judgment in the mind. 5. (Mus.) Defn: A key or scale closely related to another as principal; a relative or attendant key. [R.] See Attendant keys, under Attendant, a.

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