Tamil Dictionary 🔍


n. பற்றாளர், பின்பற்றுபவர், ஆதரவாளர், (பெ) பற்றிக்கொண்டிருக்கிற.



Ad*her"ent, a. Etym: [L. adhaerens, -entis, p. pr.: cf. F. adhérent.] 1. Sticking; clinging; adhering. Pope. 2. Attached as an attribute or circumstance. 3. (Bot.) Defn: Congenitally united with an organ of another kind, as calyx with ovary, or stamens with petals. Ad*her"ent, n. 1. One who adheres; one who adheres; one who follows a leader, party, or profession; a follower, or partisan; a believer in a particular faith or church. 2. That which adheres; an appendage. [R.] Milton. Syn. -- Follower; partisan; upholder; disciple; supporter; dependent; ally; backer.

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