Tamil Dictionary 🔍


v. இவுபடுத்திக்கொள், இணக்குவி, இடங்கண்டுகொடு, கடன்கொடுத்துதுவு, இணங்கு, உதவிசெய், இணங்கிப்போ.



Ac*com"mo*date, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Accommodated; p. pr. & vb. n. Accommodating.] Etym: [L. accommodatus, p. p. of accommodare; ad + commodare to make fit, help; con- + modus measure, proportion. See Mode.] 1. To render fit, suitable, or correspondent; to adapt; to conform; as, to accommodate ourselves to circumstances. "They accomodate their counsels to his inclination." Addison. 2. To bring into agreement or harmony; to reconcile; to compose; to adjust; to settle; as, to accommodate differences, a dispute, etc. 3. To furnish with something desired, needed, or convenient; to favor; to oblige; as, to accommodate a friend with a loan or with lodgings. 4. To show the correspondence of; to apply or make suit by analogy; to adapt or fit, as teachings to accidental circumstances, statements to facts, etc.; as, to accommodate prophecy to events. Syn. -- To suit; adapt; conform; adjust; arrange. Ac*com"mo*date, v. i. Defn: To adapt one's self; to be conformable or adapted. [R.] Boyle. Ac*com"mo*date, a. Etym: [L. accommodatus, p.p. of accommodare.] Defn: Suitable; fit; adapted; as, means accommodate to end. [Archaic] Tillotson.

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