Tamil Dictionary 🔍


a. திட்டுகிற, பழி தூற்றுகிற.



A*bu"sive, a. Etym: [Cf. F. abusif, fr. L. abusivus.] 1. Wrongly used; perverted; misapplied. I am . . . necessitated to use the word Parliament improperly, according to the abusive acceptation thereof. Fuller. 2. Given to misusing; also, full of abuses. [Archaic] "The abusive prerogatives of his see." Hallam. 3. Practicing abuse; prone to ill treat by coarse, insulting words or by other ill usage; as, an abusive author; an abusive fellow. 4. Containing abuse, or serving as the instrument of abuse; vituperative; reproachful; scurrilous. "An abusive lampoon." Johnson. 5. Tending to deceive; fraudulent; cheating. [Obs.] "An abusive treaty." Bacon. Syn. -- Reproachful; scurrilous; opprobrious; insolent; insulting; injurious; offensive; reviling.

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